How to serve "sake": offering and returing

There are also additional manners for formal banquets.


If a sake cup is preferred by an older person to a younger person, the cup must be accepted with both hands, and the words "CHODAI-SHIMASU" should be said in thanks.

ONAGARE-O ITADAKIMASUWhen you would like a superior or someone older to offer their sake cup, say "ONAGARE-O-ITADAKIMASU", and use both hands to receive the cup.

Never hold your own cup out to a superior or someone older for it to be refilled.


If there isn't, he should align his hands when returning the cup and say "ARIGATO-GOZAIMASU" or "thank you very much".
Using just one hand is also acceptable.

When a person who accepts a cup of sake from a superior or someone older returns the cup, he should first clean the cup if there's a washbowl nearby.

How to handle How to hold How to serve

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